- acidic-type
- кислотный
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
Type II topoisomerase — Type II topoisomerases cut both strands of the DNA helix simultaneously in order to change the linking number of the molecule. FunctionOnce cut, the ends of the DNA are separated, and a second DNA duplex is passed through the break. Following… … Wikipedia
Type I keratin — Type I keratins (or Type I cytokeratins) constitutes the Type I intermediate filaments (IFs) of the intracytoplasmatic cytoskeleton, which is present in all mammalian epithelial cells. Most of the type I cytokeratins consist of acidic, low… … Wikipedia
Type I hair keratin — is one of the two types of hair keratin. It is an acidic protein which heterodimerizes with type II hair keratins to form hair and nails … Wikipedia
Glial fibrillary acidic protein — (GFAP) is an intermediate filament (IF) protein that is found in glial cells such as astrocytes, but also in other cell types such as Leydig cells in the testis and stellate cells in the liver.cite journal | author = J A Holash, S I Harik, G… … Wikipedia
Burgess shale type preservation — The Burgess shale of British Columbia is famous for its exceptional preservation of mid Cambrian organisms. Around 40 other sites have been discovered of a similar age, with soft tissues preserved in a similar, though not identical, fashion.These … Wikipedia
V-type ATPase — (= vacuolar ATPase) One of three major classes of ion transport ATPase, characterized by a multi subunit structure, and a lack of a phosphorylated intermediate. Pumps H+. Found in intracellular acidic vacuoles and in some proton pumping epithelia … Dictionary of molecular biology
Cytokeratin — Keratin intermediate filaments in epithelial cells (red stain). Cytokeratins are proteins of keratin containing intermediate filaments found in the intracytoplasmic cytoskeleton of epithelial tissue. The term cytokeratin began to be used in the… … Wikipedia
Hair keratin — is a type of keratin found in hair and nails. There are two types of hair keratin: * the acidic type I hair keratin **type I hair keratin 1, Gene|KRT31 **type I hair keratin 2, Gene|KRT32 **type I hair keratin 3A, Gene|KRT33A **type I hair… … Wikipedia
Cryptocrystalline — is a rock texture made up of such minute crystals that its crystalline nature is only vaguely revealed even microscopically in thin section by transmitted polarized light. Among the sedimentary rocks, chert and flint are cryptocrystalline.… … Wikipedia
кислотный ускоритель — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN acidic type accelerator … Справочник технического переводчика
fen — type of wetland that accumulates peat deposits. Fens are less acidic than bogs, deriving most of their water from groundwater rich in calcium and magnesium … Dictionary of ichthyology